Inside our study, ovary and uterus related AEs were defined by 383 PTs (see Supplementary Table S1 online)

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Inside our study, ovary and uterus related AEs were defined by 383 PTs (see Supplementary Table S1 online). related AEs. These AEs are involved in ovarian cysts and neoplasms, uterine neoplasms, cervix neoplasms, uterine disorders (excl neoplasms), cervix disorders (excl neoplasms), endocrine disorders of gonadal function, menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding disorders, menopause related conditions, and sexual function disorders. Moreover, there are variabilities in the types and signal strengths of ovary and uterus Laninamivir (CS-8958) related AEs across individual statins. According to our findings, the potential ovary and uterus related Laninamivir (CS-8958) AEs of statins should attract enough attention and be closely monitored in future Laninamivir (CS-8958) clinical practice. FDA Adverse Event Reporting System, adverse event, preferred terms. Positive signals for statins as a class For all females, statistically significant signals emerged in two ovary and uterus related PTs: ovarian adenoma and androgenetic alopecia. For the 0C18?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in one more PT: precocious puberty. For the 19C39?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in three more PTs: endometrial hyperplasia, cervical incompetence, and polycystic ovaries. For the 40C59?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in five more PTs: adenocarcinoma of the cervix, cervix carcinoma stage III, menopausal symptoms, disturbance in sexual arousal, and orgasm abnormal. For the ?60?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in four more PTs: cervix disorder, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, dyspareunia, and sexual dysfunction. In total, the above 15 PTs with positive signals were involved in ovarian cysts and neoplasms, cervix neoplasms, uterine disorders (excl neoplasms), cervix disorders (excl neoplasms), endocrine disorders of gonadal function, menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding disorders, menopause related conditions, and sexual function disorders (Table ?(Table22). Table 2 Ovary and uterus related adverse events with positive signals for statins as a class. preferred terms, proportional reporting ratio, chi-square, C not a positive signal. Positive signals for atorvastatin For all females, statistically significant signals emerged in six ovary and uterus related PTs: ovarian cancer stage I, ovarian germ cell teratoma benign, endometrial disorder, adenomyosis, androgenetic alopecia, and blood testosterone increased. For the 19C39?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in one more PT: endometriosis. For the 40C59?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in three more PTs: menopausal symptoms, dyspareunia, and anorgasmia. For the ?60?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in two more PTs: uterine haemorrhage and sexual dysfunction. In total, the above 12 PTs with positive signals were involved in ovarian cysts and neoplasms, uterine disorders (excl neoplasms), endocrine disorders of gonadal function, menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding disorders, menopause related conditions, and sexual function disorders (Table ?(Table33). Table 3 Ovary and uterus related adverse events Rabbit Polyclonal to SPI1 with positive signals for atorvastatin. preferred terms,PRRproportional reporting ratio,not a positive signal. Positive signals for simvastatin For all females, statistically significant signals emerged Laninamivir (CS-8958) in nine ovary and uterus related PTs: ovarian adenoma, uterine polyp, adenocarcinoma of the cervix, cervical polyp, uterine prolapse, androgenetic alopecia, menopausal symptoms, postmenopausal haemorrhage, and disturbance in sexual arousal. For the 19C39?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in two more PTs: cervix carcinoma and polycystic ovaries. For the 40C59?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in four more PTs: endometriosis, cervical dysplasia, libido increased, and sexual dysfunction. For the ?60?years Laninamivir (CS-8958) age group, statistically significant signals emerged in four more PTs: uterine leiomyoma, endometrial hypertrophy, uterine mass, and menstruation irregular. In total, the above 19 PTs with positive signals were involved in ovarian cysts and neoplasms, uterine neoplasms, cervix neoplasms, uterine disorders (excl neoplasms), cervix disorders (excl neoplasms), endocrine disorders of gonadal function, menstrual cycle and uterine bleeding disorders, menopause related conditions, and sexual function disorders (Table ?(Table44). Table 4 Ovary and uterus related adverse events with positive signals for simvastatin. preferred terms, proportional reporting ratio, chi-square, C not a positive signal. Positive signals for rosuvastatin For all females, statistically significant signals emerged in two ovary and uterus related PTs: cervix carcinoma stage III and endometrial hypertrophy. For the 19C39?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in one more PT: uterine leiomyoma. In total, the above three PTs with positive signals were involved in uterine neoplasms, cervix neoplasms, and uterine disorders (excl neoplasms) (Table ?(Table55). Table 5 Ovary and uterus related adverse events with positive signals for rosuvastatin. preferred terms, proportional reporting ratio, chi-square, C not a positive signal. Positive signals for pravastatin For all females, statistically significant signals emerged in three ovary and uterus related PTs: uterine prolapse, endometrial hypertrophy, and cervical incompetence. For the 40C59?years age group, statistically significant signals emerged in two more PTs: ovarian cyst and menorrhagia..